Saturday, September 24, 2011

A "texture" quiet book

above picture taken from here
I received an email from Vanessa from Lellaboutique, who by the way has SUCH a cute crafting blog full of some fantastic ideas.

Amongst all the other treasures Vanessa makes on her blog, she also has made her own rendition of quiet books, called "texture books". 
above picture taken from here 
She has some adorable baby boy and baby girl "texture books" and was willing to let me link to them from here. 
 above picture taken from here
Vanessa's texture books are made from an array of colorful fabric and have all sorts of textures for baby to roll their rolly-polly hands over and full of fun familiar pictures for their little eyes to light up over.
 above picture taken from here
She gives a great tutorial  on how to make the little boy book (which you follow for the baby girl book too), and tells you all the supplies you need to get. 
above picture from here
The instructions are easy to follow and full of pictures, so hop on over to her blog and give a baby "texture book" a try! 
above picture from here
And don't you just love how she frayed the book's page edges?  I think my favorite baby boy page from her baby texture books is the dump truck full of fuzzy soft brown dirt!  So cute, yet manly for baby boy!
above picture taken from here
My favorite page from her baby girl texture book has got to be the sunflowers with pom poms and buzzing bee page.
above picture from here
Thanks Vanessa for sharing!


  1. Hi! I noticed that on some of your quiet books you use velcroe. Is there a particular kind of velcroe you would suggest? I take my girls to church and I can't decide if velcroe is still too "noisy." Is there such thing as a quieter version velcroe? That sounds dumb, but I'm hoping hahah. I will check back for a response but you can also e-mail me at kira-jo(at)live(dot)com

  2. Hi Kira,
    I don't really have anything to suggest with velcro. I think the more "fabricy" and less "plasticy" of velcro you get should be less noisy. I just got a pack of regular velcro at Walmart when I made my quiet book (it is sew on, not iron on), and it has worked great in my quiet book. And no, it hasn't been to noisy for church at all. Good luck and leave a comment again if you find out anything different/helpful!
